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Our Stories

Sep 8, 20081 min read
Agrofuels and the food emergency in the Philippines
This issue explores how the boom in agrofuel production is exacerbating the current food (price) crisis.

Sep 2, 20083 min read
SEARICE revives mustard cultivation, household oil self-sufficiency among Bhutan farmers
Farmers in a Bhutan village revive vanished mustard varieties and now look forward to producing household oil year-round.

Sep 1, 20081 min read
A woman-farmer from a village in Myanmar testifies to the changes in her farming and way of life after a SEARICE Farmer Field School.

Sep 1, 20083 min read
Against the odds: Vietnamese farmer hurdles the difficult road to rice seed certification
This is the story of the first Vietnamese farmer who received formal certification for his self-bred rice variety.

Sep 1, 20082 min read
Women revive neglected and underutilized species in their back yards
A woman-farmer in Myanmar learns to do on-farm research to revive neglected and underutilized crop species.

Sep 1, 20081 min read
Beyond filling the stomach
A woman-farmer in Myanmar learns that providing her family with proper nutrition was more important than simply filling their stomachs.

Sep 1, 20085 min read
Going against the golden grain
Golden Rice has been touted as the solution to a humanitarian need, but IPRs restrict access to it.
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