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Our Stories

Jan 1, 20061 min read
Pathways to participatory farmer plant breeding: Stories and reflections of the Community Biodiversity Development and Conservation Programme
This publication documents how the CBDC Programme promoted on-farm biodiversity conservation and development in 3 regions of the world.

Nov 4, 20021 min read
Dragged from under the sea: Experiences in regulating marine bioprospecting in the Philippines
This issue surveys the experiences of a number of academic institutions in the regulation of marine bioprospecting.

Jul 8, 20021 min read
Recognition and protection of farmers’ rights: An initial critique of the Plant Variety Protection Act of 2002
This issue shows that the PVP Act of 2002 is biased in favor of formal breeders and does not protect farmers' rights to seeds.

May 6, 20021 min read
The Bonn guidelines on access to genetic resources: Another false hope against biopiracy?
This issue asserts that the voluntary, non-binding nature of the Bonn Guidelines on access to PGRs renders it inutile in protecting farmers.

Jan 7, 20021 min read
Community protocol: An instrument to protect the rights of communities to biological and genetic resources and traditional knowledge
This issue shows defects of local and international policies in protecting indigenous knowledge and innovations.
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