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Our Stories

Aug 12, 20129 min read
SEARICE statement at the Universal Periodic Review
SEARICE blames current policies that limit farmers' access to PGRs as violative of farmers' human rights.

Dec 7, 20091 min read
Exploring the legal terrain for farmers' rights advocacy and plant genetic resources conservation, development & use
This issue surveys policies and laws in 5 countries and how compliant these are with 5 international treaties related to PGRs.

Jul 6, 20091 min read
Farmers’ rights as human rights
This issue shows that the Right to Land is central to the fulfillment of the Human Rights of farmers.

May 4, 20091 min read
Farmers' rights in international law
This issue tackles how the protection of farmers' rights is upheld by four international treaties.

May 6, 20021 min read
The Bonn guidelines on access to genetic resources: Another false hope against biopiracy?
This issue asserts that the voluntary, non-binding nature of the Bonn Guidelines on access to PGRs renders it inutile in protecting farmers.

Jan 7, 20021 min read
Community protocol: An instrument to protect the rights of communities to biological and genetic resources and traditional knowledge
This issue shows defects of local and international policies in protecting indigenous knowledge and innovations.
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