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Oct 12, 20232 min read
SEARICE demands recognition for farmer innovations on agricultural biodiversity
At India symposium, SEARICE presses recognition of farmers' role in agrobiodiversity innovations.

Sep 29, 20232 min read
SEARICE celebrates the UNDROP for enduring commitment to uphold farmers’ right to seeds
UNDROP is a powerful reminder that the human rights to seeds and food must prevail over intellectual property and seed marketing laws.

Dec 5, 20221 min read
Farmers' rights in the Philippines: A legal analysis
This publication shows that the Philippines' major laws on farmers' rights have failed to protect farmers' rights to seeds.

May 2, 20141 min read
More rice, less pork: Community seed banks in the rice seed production program
This issue argues that the Philippines' rice seed production program is marred by corruption and has failed to promote rice self-sufficiency

Jul 1, 20131 min read
Going against the golden grain: A primer on Golden Rice
This primer tackles how Golden Rice will affect farmers’ rights - their right to conserve, develop, use and exchange PGRs.

Sep 1, 20085 min read
Going against the golden grain
Golden Rice has been touted as the solution to a humanitarian need, but IPRs restrict access to it.
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