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Our Stories

May 8, 20241 min read
The Seed Industry Development Act of 1992: Dispossessing the Filipino Smallholder Farmer
SEARICE investigates the Philippines Seed Law's effects on the seed-saving and farming practices of small farmers in Philippine provinces.

Dec 5, 20221 min read
Farmers’ seed system as the bedrock of food system transformation
This publication warns of the corporate takeover of food systems in SE Asia, as seen in the rise of consumption of ultra processed food.

Dec 5, 20221 min read
Farmers' rights in the Philippines: A legal analysis
This publication shows that the Philippines' major laws on farmers' rights have failed to protect farmers' rights to seeds.

Dec 15, 20212 min read
From the community, for the community: SEARICE puts farmers' rights at center of Luzon Farmers Forum
SEARICE highlights international treaties upholding farmers' rights and supportive local ordinances pushed by SEARICE.

Oct 1, 20212 min read
SEARICE emphasizes inclusion of smallholder farmers and cultural communities in discussions in the 18th CGRFA
SEARICE pushes for critical look at DSI system in relation to benefit-sharing in plant genetic resource access and use.

Sep 11, 20191 min read
Golden Rice: Is it really "A" need?
An adult needs to consume as much as 20 kg of Golden Rice per day to get the touted Vitamin A benefit. This is not efficient nor realistic.

Jan 23, 20153 min read
SEARICE statement on Access and Benefit Sharing at 15th CGRFA
SEARICE advocates for reinforcement of farmers' role in CDU-PGR in the text of the CGRFA.
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